A woman's natural choice

Compléments alimentaires étayés par des preuves pour soutenir votre bien-être naturel.


Nos compléments alimentaires ne contiennent aucun produit d'origine animale.

Ingrédients de première qualité

Nos compléments alimentaires utilisent des ingrédients certifiés de la plus haute qualité.

Pas de perturbateurs endocrinien

Nos compléments alimentaires sont 100% naturels et ne contiennent pas d'OGM, de gluten ou de colorants artificiels.

The Vitasonar Promise

1. Compiled by experts

We work together with renowned experts and pharmacists in the field of phytotherapy and nutritherapy.

2. Only high-quality ingredients.

We only use ingredients of the highest quality. We choose our ingredients with the utmost care, after thorough literature research, and combine them for optimal synergy.

3. Local quality partners

We only select approved, local suppliers with strict quality standards. We guarantee the highest purity by testing our raw materials in independent laboratories.

Formule créer par des experts

Nous travaillons avec des experts reconnus dans le domaine de la phytothérapie, de la santé féminine et de la nutrition. Nos deux experts pharmaceutiques internes veillent à ce que nos formules soient de classe mondiale, basées sur des preuves scientifiques et fabriquées selon les normes les plus élevées.

The power of plants

Vitasonar works exclusively with 100% natural ingredients formulated by experts in phytotherapy.

Our supplements are vegan, gluten-free and contain no artificial coloring. We are here for everyone who prefers healthy, ethical supplements that add value to your mental and physical balance.

Your self-care partner

Taking care of yourself is important, but our busy lifestyles get in the way of getting enough sleep, a healthy diet and exercise. Vitasonar guides you with the adapted natural supplement supplemented with exercises, techniques and advice.

By giving your body a helping hand, we get your 'state of well-being' back in top shape.

contact us

A question? We're happy to help.

Vitasonar is a brand of Pharma & More BV